Monday, September 7, 2009

Game of the Week- Sept. 7th

The story that I think has really brought game to Harry Potter Fan Fiction is a completed novel by momotwins. It is The Unsinkable Molly Prewett of course. This novel is a brilliant write that bravely strays from the base characters of Potterverse and focuses on a minor character like never before. Set in an era that is as hazy as it gets in Rowling's world it would have been easy for momotwins to stray from canon yet she does not. Instead she stays as close to canon as possible, never stirring the pot to the point of insanity. This helps the story immensely, as one feels as though they are reading Harry Potter all over again. momotwins spins a interesting tale of love while creating a cast of characters that rivals JK's own. As a side bonus there is a mildly intriguing side plot that is fleshed out in the accompanying short story by momotwins, "Shift." In fact there is a wide array of accompanying short stories by momotwins which I suggest reading upon finishing Unsinkable. They include; "Fireworks: Premature Ignition," "I Will Follow," and "The Black Velvet Band" which almost certainly classifies as a bit of a sequel. Enjoy!

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